
‘N Hart Vol Hoop (Sagteband)

Original price was: $199.96.Current price is: $49.99.
Lidia is die dogter van ’n purperhandelaar. Haar hele wêreld draai om drie dinge: haar pa die grond van haar voorgeslagte en die pers kleurmiddel.…

‘N Hawe Vir Jou Hart (Sagteband)

Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $49.75.
In ’n Hawe vir jou hart neem bekroonde outeur Irene Hannon jou na die kusdorpie Hope Harbor – die perfekte plek vir elkeen wat op soek is…

‘N Nuwe More (Sagteband)

Original price was: $130.40.Current price is: $32.60.
Voordat Christus haar aangespreek het as “my dogter” voor sy genesing gesteel het deur aan die punt van sy kleed te raak was sy ’n…

‘N Veilige Vesting (Sagteband)

Original price was: $173.04.Current price is: $43.26.
Bekroonde outeur Stephan Joubert help lesers in ’n Veilige vesting om opnuut te besef hoe groot God se sorg en liefde vir sy kinders is.Te midde van…

Africa Study Bible (Black Leather)

Original price was: $860.87.Current price is: $172.17.
The Africa Study Bible is the most ethnically diverse single-volume biblical resource to date. Written by 350 contributors from 50 countries it includes the Holy Bible: New…

Africa Study Bible (Burgundy Faux Leather)

Original price was: $782.61.Current price is: $156.52.
The Africa Study Bible is the most ethnically diverse single-volume biblical resource to date. Written by 350 contributors from 50 countries it includes the Holy Bible: New…

Africa Study Bible (Hardcover)

Original price was: $556.52.Current price is: $111.30.
The Africa Study Bible is the most ethnically diverse single-volume biblical resource to date. Written by 350 contributors from 50 countries it includes the Holy Bible: New…

Africa Study Bible (Tan Faux Leather)

Original price was: $782.61.Current price is: $156.52.
The Africa Study Bible is the most ethnically diverse single-volume biblical resource to date. Written by 350 contributors from 50 countries it includes the Holy Bible: New…

African Christian Theology Revisited

Original price was: $270.00.Current price is: $67.50.
For all Christians in Africa African Christian Theology Revisited is a powerful plea to think through your faith in African contexts under the authority of the Word…

African Traditional Religion and Christian Counseling

Original price was: $144.00.Current price is: $36.00.
What does the world look like through the eyes of the traditional African and what is the role of God in this world view? What…

African Traditional Religion in Biblical Perspective

Original price was: $414.00.Current price is: $82.80.
Seeking to evaluate African traditional religion in biblical perspective this book is a must have for pastors and Bible students alike. With great knowledge of…

Africans and Africa in the Bible

Original price was: $234.78.Current price is: $58.70.
This book shows the presence and the participation of Africans in the biblical text helping demonstrate that Christianity is not a “white man’s religion” and…