Azure Farm Popcorn Yellow Organic – 50 lbs.

Original price was: $56.50.Current price is: $16.95.
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Popcorn Yellow Organic

Organically grown. Traditional whole yellow popcorn. Kernels should be plump and fresh to pop up well.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1/2 cup cooked



Fat0 g

Carbohydrate13 g

Dietary Fiber2 g

Sodium1 mg

Protein<1 g

  • Oil Popping: Place 1/4 cup popcorn and 1 tbsp oil in heavy pot. Cover. Shake over medium high heat until popping stops. Top with nutritional yeast and a bit of sea salt.
  • For longer storage keep in the refrigerator. May also be kept frozen.
  • If kernels start to dry out add a tablespoon or two of water for each two cups of kernels and shake together in a jar. Some people store a small amount in the refrigerator for short periods of time with a piece of sliced apple with the kernels to be sure they will be plenty moist.
  • Grown in California.

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